died on the Oregon Trail.
Could her exact burial place have been discovered by a road crew?
The story by Jodi Rogstad, Asst. Managing Editor/Features of the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, dated April 27, 2015, is of interest to anyone with ancestry who traversed the Oregon Trail between 1850 and 1870. Many thousands died along the trail and were buried in unmarked graves or marked graves whose markings have degraded to the point of unrecognizable. This is the story of one such grave – but with a twist – this grave may hold the bones of a well-described person and her place and fashion of burial – so well described that this may indeed be the final resting place of the body of Anne Roelofson Scott, mother of two famous early Oregonians: women’s suffrage crusader, Abigail Scott Duniway; and first editor-in-chief of the Oregonian, Harvey Whitefield Scott.